Sunday, 21 June 2015

Week 10 with Papa Jack

Papa Jack is impressed with our Mihi!  Yay!!!  That is super exciting.  We need to remember that we use inside voices when we are inside as the inside belongs to the god of peace.  Outside is where we use our aggressive voices as this space belongs to the god of battle.

We have been focussing on our own Pepeha. Don't forget to get your sheets back in so we know your whanau and your affliations.

Here are the actions for our Pepeha:

Ko Tararua te maunga

Ko Manawatu te awa

Ko Kurahaupo te waka  

Ko Rangitane te iwi  

Ko LC 12/13 te hapu   (action needed)

Ko Rangimarie te whare

Ko Rangiotu te marae

Ko _____  taku papa (right hand on the chest) 

 Ko _____ taku mama (left hand on the chest)


Ko Tash  taku ingoa (pat chest)

Tihei Mauri ora!!!

Extension if you are keen:

Toko___  nga tamariki i taku whanau

Ko au te tua___

(there are ___ children in my family, I am the ___ child)

Kotahi te tamariki i taku whanau

Sunday, 14 June 2015

Sunday, 7 June 2015

Pa Jack Week 8

ruruku mai - begin your Karakia - Pou Mihi

Pou Mihi Actions

Pou kaha rawa - Manakitia mai: Make a mountain/chest tap
Pou Haerenga - Haere ra: right hand out freeze, then wiri
Pou Oranga - Mihi mai: open palms swish up towards your chest. Mihi mai - hands wiri in and out
Pou Manawhenua - takoto mai: Left hand out freeze, then wiri
Pou Herenaga waka - toia mai: right hands up ready to toia mai

Now we can make sure we are practising the right actions.