Sunday, 29 November 2015

Hangi Prep

Today Pa Jack came and spoke to us about Hangi.

Have a look at the slides

Then play the game

Sunday, 8 November 2015

Week 5 with Pa Jack

Wow, every time Pa Jack comes in I get a new piece of information and realise that the Maori Langauge is very logical...

Jack noticed our Matrix wall at the back and translated our Novice, Practitioner and Expert into Maori

Novice = teina
Practitioner = tuakana
Expert = tohunga

Tatou ringa

Kore - zero - swish
tahi - one finger
rua - two fingers
toru - three fingers
wha - two fingers twice
rima - all fingers 5

ono - all fingers + one finger
whitu - all fingers + two fingers
waru - all fingers + three fingers
iwa - all fingers + two fingers twice
tekau - pinch all five fingers and twist (huri)
twenty - pana/push five fingers into palm then flick/whiou

ko wha me te toru 4 + 3 = 7 Ka tahi ko te aha? What is it? What does it equal?
Kei te tiki? Is that right?

Time for
E hia ngā turu?  How many objects?
tekau ngā turu.  10 chairs
(When counting items less then 10 we keep the 'E' in place, when it is 10 and above we drop the 'E')

E hia ngā pene?  How many pens?
44 ngā pene.  We have 44 pens

E hia ngā....

turu - 23 rua tekau ma toru
pene - 44 wha tekau ma wha
kutikuti -
tepu -
kuaha -
pukapuka -

Haere ki te whariki, kia tiri!!  (come down to the mat, hurry)

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Week 4 Term 4

When we are participating in our Pou Mihi we should not be eating or fiddling during our Mihi.

We should give our full attention to the Pou.

NEVER give up on your dreams - you can do anything you set your mind to.  Just like Richie McCaw!!!

Hold on you to your dreams - Kia Kaha

Whakawehea - separate/spread out
whakapiri - come together
e noho - sit
wahangu - silent
e tu - stand
peke tahi - hop
kiatiri - fast
noho whariki - sit on the mat

practise this...
e tu
rarangi mai kotiro
rarangi mai tama

tama ma, rarangi rua mai - boys line up in 2 lines
kotiro ma, rarangi toru mai - girls, line up in 3 lines
tutira mai - line up straight
rarangi wha mai - line up in 4 lines


whakarongo mai - listen, shoulders back, chins up, face the crowd
wiri wiri - shake hands down by your side
Hoki mai e Tama mā ki roto, ki roto(boys)
I ngā ringa e tuwhera atu nei, (a hi aue aue)
Kei te kapakapa mai te haki, te haki (boys)
Ingarangi runga Tiamana e. Hoki mai, hoki mai

ki te wā kāinga,
Kua tutuki te tūmanako,
(a hi aue aue) (boys)
Kei te kapakapa mai te Haki, te Haki (boys)
Ingarangi runga Tiamana e.